
Friday afternoon...

Its Friday afternoon, the sun is shinning brightly and clouds are slowly disappearing.
As usual, I am clueless of what to write on this Friday afternoon. Oh dear...I'm clueless as to what I can write and at the same time I'm feeling a little bit sleepy :p

I am currently sitting by the window in my office looking out to the road filled with cars, aka traffic jam, at the same time also looking for something that I can buy and eat for snack. Unfortunately, none can be found and none can be consumed...haizzzz

Anyhow, roti pangang and indomie i come...

over and out...


Counting PACES...

It has finally arrived...over 1400 paces delivered. Now is the laborious job of sorting them out, counting it and storing them.

one box at least 150 paces...
More later...over and out...


Sunday Morning...

Its a nice bright Sunday morning. The weather is fine, it has been raining whole night, traffic looks fine from where I am sitting. I'm not actually sure what to write. If I see the blog of others, most of them anyway, are pretty directed in that it usually have a direction. Unfortunately this blog doesn't have a direction yet except that it will just go where-ever I wish for it to go :p

Thought of the day: "What if?"

I am sure there are many times that you always ask yourself "what if?". In every or most circumstances we would always ask what if ....What if I came 5 minutes later? What if it rained? What if he didn't buy it?

Now lets reflect on today's events/activities and ask yourself... What if something did/didn't happen? will things be different? Reminds of the film Sliding Door that I watched many many years ago... If you haven't seen it, here is a quick link to it courtesy of youtube. Sliding Door Quick Link

Signing out now...


Welcome welcome...

Here is another attempt at blogging...Not sure how long this "habit" will last but should be longer than a month :)
Now, why have I titled this Frenzy? well, the word frenzy means uncontrolled state or situation. In other words a situation that may be out of control. Which is exactly what may happen to this blog. Since I ain't sure yet how long this blog will stand, this blog may one day be out of control ;)

Anyhow, please check back later and see of future development.