
Sunday Morning...

Its a nice bright Sunday morning. The weather is fine, it has been raining whole night, traffic looks fine from where I am sitting. I'm not actually sure what to write. If I see the blog of others, most of them anyway, are pretty directed in that it usually have a direction. Unfortunately this blog doesn't have a direction yet except that it will just go where-ever I wish for it to go :p

Thought of the day: "What if?"

I am sure there are many times that you always ask yourself "what if?". In every or most circumstances we would always ask what if ....What if I came 5 minutes later? What if it rained? What if he didn't buy it?

Now lets reflect on today's events/activities and ask yourself... What if something did/didn't happen? will things be different? Reminds of the film Sliding Door that I watched many many years ago... If you haven't seen it, here is a quick link to it courtesy of youtube. Sliding Door Quick Link

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