
Lifestyle of the rich and famous?

Well... as per the title of this post, I will have the privilege experiencing the lifestyle to the rich and famous for a few days. Not that I am desperate to try one or have never tried it before but its been a while since I am in a place like this. As they say, a picture tells a thousand word and I have a few to share.

 The one million dollar view of the sun, sand and the sea is just something that can not be found in the city of Jakarta. So I guess, I should just enjoy it while I am here. With the non-existance phone signal, it could be a good place to have some solitude time but as it is, I am here for a wedding, so there will not be much time for some quite time except maybe tonight as a lot of the guest have not arrived yet.

Anyway, its over and out for now and back to some quite time :)

Bali, the island of sun, sand and sea

Leaving for Bali to attend my brother's wedding. A short but packed trip that I can hopefully use to get away from the hustle and bustle of school life.

It has been a while since I visited Bali and even though we can find 3 'S' here, I am not sure if I will be able to enjoy it. As with any wedding, especially a family wedding, there may be tons of things to do or tons of relative to say hi to. We shall wait and see.

Flight is packed and seems to be ontime. See you jakarta soon :)